Kidz Klub

Back to base Camp Report by Lilli,Ellie,Rachael & Ange

October5th 2008
On Tuesday at 12.00, we met at the church and left for Warrambui. On the way we stopped at MacDonalds in Cowra. Some uf us got Happy Meals and Josh stuck his toy on Pastor’s car. We arrived ot Warrambui and got unpacked. We also had small group devotions and worship.
On Wednesday, first up we had energizers. These are fitness games. Then we had worship followed by a small group study. That night we were having a skit night which we all had to prepare for. We also had to do something nice for Warrambui like rake bushwalking paths and pick up rubbish etc after which we had another small group study. We also had free time for a while , then had connect time.
Connect time is when you have time alone with God. Praying and answering questions from our booklets and reading the Bible. We had our last small group devotion then and went to bed.
On Thursday as usual we had energizers. Then we had morning worship and connect time. After another small group study we had more free time.After lunch we had THE AMAZING RACE. The amazing race is a group of challengers and you do things like Archery, Finding ribbons with a bible verse on them etc. After dinner we had Challenge evening. Challenge evening is Challenging your sririt.
On Friday we started with questions with Pastor followed by our last small group devotion where we all recieved our “Back to Base Shirts”. After morning tea we had connect time followed by group activity. We played games like volleyball. After lunch we had a group photo then our final worship. We said goodbye to everyone and left for the long trip home. Of course we stopped at MacDonalds in Cowra to get a snack. We all enjoyed the Back 2 Base camp VERY MUCH.
There were 16 people from Dubbo and 130 people at Warrambui camp all up.






On 14 November 2008 Kids Club will finish for the year.There will be no Kids Club in 2009 due to lack of numbers.

September 2008

On Sunday 14 September we will be holding our annual Kids Club Service and Picnic in the Park.We need all children to come and take part in the service. Please attend as a family. You’ll have a fabulous time worshipping our Lord, enjoy a picnic lunch and play lots of traditional games.


Sir Roden Cutler Park (Whylandra Street; turn left after Dubbo West Bowling Club)
– 14 September 2008, 10am
– KC will provide morning tea
– BYO picnic lunch and chair

What a cold wet and windy day. SO we moved to the church for our picnic service. 

This is our band

 Kid’s address on picnic day

Kids Club had a ‘Show and Tell’
This year’s theme is Faith changing Lives. We have looked at some of the people in the Old Testaments and saw how having faith changes lives. We have also looked at some people since Bible time and saw how faith changes their lives too.
At Kids Club this year we have made or been given a bookmark with the bible verse or text on it of the day.
We make a craft activity at each kids club. We have made many things, a few have been a box, key ring, bath salts and bugs.
Last years offering was to be given to a children’s organisation in need. After careful consideration we approchaced the children’s ward at the hospital. They told us they were desperate for pyjamas. A group of loverly volunteers made pajamas in all kids sizes. These were greatly appreciated. We are now looking into making slings.

 Kids Club Photos:

Some bonfire photos with Anchor Kids and some ‘NOT SO Kids'(page down) 

Some photos from the bonfire night.

                                 Some of the big kids!!


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