Anchor is our group of youth from Year 8 onwards. We meet each fortnight at church straight after school for afternoon tea and run till 5pm. Our groups aim is to have times of bible study/film/talk as well as help out in the community.One year we visited the Nursing Home and assisted several times with the kids program at Community Kitchen. We make time for fun things too playing Lazer skirmish, tenpin bowling, watching movies and having great bonfire nights.
Skit on Holy Trinity
Anchor: (People in one sheet or calico with three holes cut out to put your heads in so it looks like one person with three heads) GOD- Rachael, Jesus- Will & Holy Spirit – Rahel
God (RACHAEL): In the beginning,
Jesus (WILL): You, what?
God (RACHAEL): I created… you know, the heavens and the earth.
Holy Spirit (RAHEL): Dont you mean ?
God (RACHAEL): That’s the thing about Trinity Sunday…it can be very confusing for people – One God, three persons. Of course you were there too “ both of you. But when we talk about God the Creator, were talking about me “ that part of me “ that part of us “ which created once a long time ago and which still creates.
Jesus (Will): I have a question for youwhy in the world did you create mosquitoes?
God (Rachael): (laughs) I have my reasons!
Holy Spirit (Rahel): How about the platypus? Or the great sea creature the Leviathan?
God (Rachael): Dont you remember the psalm? I created the Leviathan for the sport of it! It makes me laugh! Everything I created, I created good. Very good.
Jesus (Will): Even mosquitoes I guess But there are people in the world who dont seem very good. How do we make sense of the fact that you created them good?
God (Rachael): I made them good. But I also gave them free will “ and people with free will turn away from the good sometimes “ actually all of the time!
Holy Spirit (Rahel): Isn’t that the truth! I am that part of the Trinity which guides and gives humanity its conscience. Yet, all of the time, people listen to others rather than me. Or they listen to themselves and their own thoughts and desires rather than trying to work for the good of others and our world.
God (Rachael): (laughs) Yep! Thats how I made them! I made people good and then let them make choices! And they always choose themselves. Every time! Gotta love them! (laughs some more)
Jesus (Will): It doesnt seem to bother you very much!
God (Rachael): Its all part of being human. I love them all just the way they are “ bad choices and everything.
Jesus (Will): And yet thats why I came down to earth “ to show people that we love them just as they are, but thats not how we want them to stay!
Holy Spirit (Rahel): We want them to be changed, to be transformed. To live life really like they are loved!
Jesus (Will): Freedom! Thats what its all about!
Holy Spirit (Rahel): Freedom to stop worrying about whether or not theyre accepted!
God (Rachael): Freedom to trust that I will always be there for them!
Jesus (Will): Freedom to offer healing and forgiveness like I give them!
Holy Spirit (Rahel): Freedom to know that even when bad things happen, I will never give up on them.
God (Rachael): Freedom to be generous “ even extravagant “ in sharing with others.
Jesus (Will): Isn’t it funny that we love humanity so much, but people still live like theyre all bound up “ like they need to work harder to make us love them more, or that they need to get all they can for themselves now, or they won’t have enough later on?
God (Rachael): (laugh) People haven’t really changed much at all over the years! Remember Adam and Eve “ I gave them everything “ everything “ they could ever want, but it wasn’t enough “ they needed the fruit of that tree!
Holy Spirit (Rahel): And when I guided Moses and the people out of slavery through the wilderness “ they didn’t trust that I would give them manna to eat. They grumbled all the way!
Jesus (Will): My generosity got the Jewish and Roman leaders angry with me “ angry enough to have me put to death! They couldn’t understand a king who reigned on a platform of love and service rather than law and order. (Turns to the Holy Spirit: ) Did you ever see that show, Law and Order? It’s not bad!
God (Rachael): (laugh) People, people, people! Gotta love them!
Holy Spirit (Rahel): It’s a big mystery of life to me why people don’t live out their freedom! I call people to faith. I call people to live out their faith every day.
Jesus (Will): I tried to show them how to live out their life of faith every day.
God (Rachael): I let them know that I expect them to live out their life of faith every day. I created them to live out their life of faith.
Jesus (Will): I redeemed them with my own life so that they could live out their life of faith.
Holy Spirit (Rahel): I made them my holy ones so that they could live out their life of faith “ live out what they were made to be.
God, Jesus, Holy Spirit: One God; three persons.
Jesus (Will): It’s still hard for people to understand isn’t it?
Holy Spirit (Rahel): What is?
Jesus (Will): How we could be one God and yet three persons.
God (Rachael): Yes one God!
Jesus and Holy Spirit: It is the mystery of faith.
God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit: This is most certainly true. Amen.
In 2011 our Anchor group are looking at their individual likes and interests.
Some of their interests are being used to help out in our church services e.g. acting in the puppet show in the childrens service in May and craft in the Easter gifts to the Nursing Home.
Our fun activities are also been organised to include their interests. So far for fun, we have enjoyed swimming, cooking, games, videos and slot car racing.
Terms Two and Three we are also looking at our spiritual gifts and talents.
God has blessed us all with spiritual gifts. Some of the gifts and talents of our group include: faith, hospitality, craftsmanship, discernment, leadership and music.
We are now encouraging each other to be more aware of our gifts and learn to use them more readily in our church, community and in our daily lives.
Community Kitchen kids are still greatly supported by our group each month and those in our group whose gifts are in craftsmanship are volunteering to organise crafts for these kids.
We will be hosting a trivia night in Term Three to raise funds for LWS.
We plan to end our Term Three creating Christmas craft gifts ready to deliver to the Nursing Home at Christmas.
Our fortnight devotions this year are mostly being downloaded from the LCA website and we’re trying to keep with our theme of spiritual gifts.
Our group are also supporting each other during the year by taking in turn emailing a spiritual message to each member, and as leaders Kathie and I continue to text a bible message to all each week.
Kathie and I are truly blessed as we fellowship with our youth group.
Anchor Report 2010
Again 2010s Anchor activities were based around Bible Study, Fun, Church family & Community involvement.
This year, with the help of the Molkentins tools and shed and Pastor Brenton and Grahams expertise, the group made Faith Chests for the upcoming confirmees and baptisms. As well as filling the need for the chests as gifts, this activity also gave the group a time of fellowship, hospitality and interaction with the Molkentins. Biscuits were also cooked there ,ready to be wrapped and delivered with Easter cards to the Dubbo Nursing Home. JAM & Anchor visited Dubbo Nursing Home again at Christmas delivering heart-lolly decorations. Positive feedback from staff and residents of the Nursing Home has been received as to how these visits have had such a big impact on them.
Anchor planned and participated with the JAM and confirmation groups in the Pentecost service in May and the October picnic service.
We welcomed Rahul, Rachael, Ellie, Anna and Georgina mid-year to our group after their confirmation in July celebrating with a bonfire and fireworks.
Just for fun we tenpin bowled with friends, tested our driving skills at slotcar racing and battled it out with a minute to win games.
We opened most get-togethers with bible readings from the LCA website. These proved very good for discussion. We also watched the movie ‘Gifted Hands’ a true story based on Dr Ben Carsons life “ an American-negro brain surgeon “ his most powerful asset – his very prayerful , uneducated , single mum – a very recommended watch….
We started this year texting each Anchor member a bible message weekly, just as another way of keeping Jesus in their day. Each member is also taking a turn at emailing the group with a ‘Jesus thought
We again worked once a month with the kids at community kitchen and visited the blood bank with other congregational members.
Our Anchor group along with their families finished the year with tea and table games at church.
Thanks to all who help with travel, afternoon teas and joining us in community and fun activities. We very much appreciate your support and look forward to any great year.
In Gods service, Kathie and Ros
Anchor Report 2009
Once again we planned our year around studies, community work, fundraisers and fun!!
Our studies
“Term One was on Prayer and when and how God answers them
-Term Two we studied Kel Richards Aussie Pilgrim Progress. We walked with Christian (a new believer) on his quest to Gods own country (heaven) enduring the perils and enjoying the rewards he encountered on the way. We compared it to our Christian walk- peer pressure, worldly values, our Christian beliefs and staying focussed on Gods promises.
-Term Three Pastor Brenton led a short study and with the help of Neil, Michelle and Kathie Anchor organised and led a Sunday Service.
Our Community work
-Community Kitchen is held each Friday night and one Friday night a term we help with the childrens activites- playing cards, drawing, crafts etc. on our last night we made angel decorations for them to take home.
-Clean-up Australia
-Blood bank (quarterly)
-Nursing Home Christmas visits delivering angel decorations made with the help of our confirmation and JAM (infants,primary) kids.
Our Fun Stuff
-Mini putt-putt golf, slip and slide, icecream eat-off, go-carting with bonfire and BBQ, Swimming & end of year pool waterslide party
Our Fundraisers
-Warrambui Dome Project was important to us as most kids have been to camps there. We held a BBQ outside Autobarn on an extremely hot day!! For our LWS fundraiser we packaged bundles of tracts and sold them for use as Christmas gift tags or bookmarks
We have a great bunch of youth & it is our privilege to encourage & meet with them fortnightly in our planned activity.
In Gods Service.
Ros & Kathie
Feb 6th 2009
As you can see a great time was had by all swimming and sliding at Anna’s pool.
The Great icream challenge.Boys V Girls.
The Girls won