An Invitation to St Mark’s


An Invitation

Jesus said: Come to me, all of you who are tired
from carrying heavy loads, and I will
give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)


. if you need support in time of need
. if you would like prayer for your sickness
. if you are lonely and in need of friendship
. if you would like to find out more about Christianity
. if you have questions about marriage, baptism

image001ST MARKS

Cnr Gipps & Macleay Street.

Pastor: Vacant
Ph: 02 68840854

Dubbo NSW 2830


God’s Grace for Living, Growing, Going

Teaching & Learning to Live the Faith
The Lutheran Church of Australia believes and teaches:


Together with all other mainstream Christian churches, we believe
there is only one God, the triune God. God are three persons in
one; equally powerful and equally eternal  God the FATHER, God
the SON (Jesus), God the HOLY SPIRIT.

The Word of God

The a bible is the living word of God to us. The bibles central mes-
sage is to announce Gods love for us in Jesus Christ. We believe
faith is created through hearing the word of God.


Evil and wrong-doing exists in every human heart. It comes from the
self-centred desires we are born with and addicted to. God calls
our addiction to sin. We admit our sin and our broken relationship
with God. We believe that only God alone can pardon sin and for-
give us through his Son Jesus.

The Gospel

St Mark’s Lutheran Church Dubbo is part of the 66 million Lutherans
around the world who believe the gospel the good news that
God loves us more then we will ever understand. Our central belief
is that we are put right with God completely by the grace of God,
his undeserved loving kindness in sending his Son Jesus to die on a
cross to pay for our sin. God raised his Son from the grave on the
third day to live forever.

The Church

The church is the gathering of believers to hear the gospel and re-
ceive God’s pardon and grace through baptism and the Lord’s


We believe God instituted one baptism to give us his forgiveness,
faith and Holy Spirit. Baptism is necessary for salvation and so Infants
are also baptised in our church.

The Lord’s Supper

Our church teaches that the body and blood of Christ are truly pre-
sent in the Lord’s Supper and given to all who receive communion.
In the Lord’s Supper Jesus is present to sustain and strengthen faith
and keep believers in a relationship with him until death.

Eternal life

Jesus will return to give all who believe in him eternal life and ever-
lasting joy and will bring them into heaven to live with him forever.

The Lutheran Church

. . . is a well balanced, biblical church where Jesus
Christ is central,

. . . is the first and oldest Protestant Church, established
in 1530,

. . . has been active in Australia for over 150 years,

. . . offers a relevant faith for our times.

Church Life

St Mark’s is a small friendly group of Christians
working to bring the Gospel to this community in

We provide the following services within our con-

. Regular worship: every Sunday at 8.45am
followed by morning tea
. Small groups
. JAM (Jesus and Me) for young children
. ANCHOR for youth (study and fun)
. Confirmation and adult instruction
. Bible Study groups
. Men’s breakfast (monthly)
. Womens groups
. Mums & Bubs
. Weekly breakfast and Scripture at North
Primary School

For any further information please feel free to
contact one of the members.